Covid and Teaching

by Mackini Henry
(Kingston, Jamaica)

Unlike some who have access to data/internet services, not many are as fortunate. It took several weeks of trying to get through to the students with only the hope that the assignments will be done and submitted.

Parents have expressed loss of jobs which has led to financial constraints and so the commodity of the internet isn't one they have at this point.

It only shows how different we are on a social scale and as the "ideal" would be online teaching, the reality isn't so much that.

As for CXC, while other countries are preparing to re-open schools and get on with the examinations, our island Jamaica has been packing up on the number of cases. The harsh reality is that this is nowhere near possible for us.

Will this put our students at a disadvantage? Only time will tell.

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May 03, 2020
Covid and Teaching (inner city)
by: Bobby

Thank you for sharing this, I don't think many people or parents have considered the ripple effect of this situation.

In the intercity communities, there are so many students who are just out and about, like this is is a vacation for them, and without someone to encourage them about school and learning their minds are going to be drained of the little knowledge they have obtained.

If there is no school and school activities, I fear the worst for these children and their parents that have been struggling to send them, I can't imagine what they are dealing with right now.

May 03, 2020
by: Anonymous

Those are very good observations and
Comments. These are realities you face
each day in your capacity.

May 03, 2020
Covid-19 and Teaching
by: Ricardo

Thank you for sharing this. It is true that many are faced with this challenge and I implore you to share this submission with anyone you think will be willing to share with us what their experiences have been so far trying to get the basics in as it relates to learning during COVID-19 in Jamaica.

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